Welcome! Skeem-Math is a website with content for high school mathematics courses. The courses are listed to the left and can be navigated to find course specific content organized unit by unit. It is intended as a resource for students to create notes from, review course specific content material and work through sample problems. The purpose of my website is to almost "flip" the classroom. Students do notes as homework, and then work on guided practice problems with me in class. I said almost flip, because sometimes the content just needs me to drive instruction to the entire class.
By following the outline described below, I believe students will find more success within my class structure and gain more understanding of the Algebra 1 content.
- Read through the topic and take your own notes
- Part of gaining understanding on any topic is to write down important information. What is deemed important can vary from person to person. In math, it is becoming more and more important to read for clarity, not just copy down everything that is listed on the page. I encourage you to create your own notes from what you thing is important information. Then spend some time sharing with a classmate, what you deemed important might be significantly different than what they thought.
- Write down questions that arise from reading material
- Try to follow along through the examples as best as you can. If something doesn't make sense, create a question about it. Many times in math, steps are left out that the reader must be able to infer what happened from step to step. Questioning the step gains more perspective on understanding than just reading through the problem. This is where I come in, by asking one of your questions from your notes, I can fill in the gaps and provide more constructive feedback to you.
- Practice, practice, practice
- You have created notes, now what? You have processed the information and now the goal is to take classtime to work through new problems and apply what you learned. There just cannot be an example for every type of problem, but being able to use what you already know and have learned to solve new problems is the overall goal of any mathematics course.