
College Algebra content can be broken into the following components:

  • Review of functions from Algebra 2
  • Polynomials and zeros of polynomials
  • Rational functions
  • Exponential functions & properties
  • Logarithmic functions & properties
On the navigation menu on the left, each component has been broken down into more concise topics.   Within each topic will be notes, videos and examples all worked out to show that mathematical topic.

How to Use the Topics

  1. Read the topic and take own notes
  2. Write down questions from reading the material
  3. Practice, practice, practice!!!

Research is showing that students are having difficulty reading in mathematics.   One of the goals for this approach is to help students read math.   By reading and processing math information on your own, have me fill in the gaps when needed and practicing new problems, I believe you will be successful in this Algebra 1 course.